What’s on

Upcoming events at St Silas

Here we will add all of our upcoming events that you are warmly invited to join us at!

The Life Course

2000 years ago, a carpenter’s son named Jesus — and his followers — made some extraordinary claims.

In order to help you explore, we have developed the Life Course, a short (free!) course running over four Wednesday evenings. We share a meal together and explore an aspect of the Christian faith. You can ask any questions you may have, or just listen and work out what you think.

Our next course begins on 15th January and runs for four weeks. To sign up, please email  

Learn more about The Life Course at St Silas here.

Mainly Music - Tile

Mainly Music

30 minutes of music and movement for parents/carers and their pre-school children. Followed by time to chat over refreshments and free play. £3 per family, payable on the door.

Thursdays, 10 – 11.30am


Our central location means we're within walking distance of Glasgow city centre and the West End. Kelvinbridge Subway is less than 5 min walk—and there's bus routes along Woodlands Road and Great Western Road.

Are you a student or young worker? Our Roots ministry is for you...