
Our goal is to grow disciples across the whole family, and to see children and young people flourish and rejoice as they discover the great security of knowing God’s love for them in Jesus.

We have an outstanding, dedicated team of approved and trained volunteers, who teach our youth and children about Jesus from the Bible and build relationships with them both on Sunday mornings and midweek.

kids at church

Babies & Toddlers


— Sundays during the 10:30am service

On Sundays during our morning service, we have a manned creche for 1 and 2 year olds, where children are cared for by approved children’s leaders. For carers of younger babies and nursing mums, we have some comfortable seating in the main church and a separate nursing room with a live feed of the sound from the main church.

Mainly Music — Woodlands

— Thursdays at 10–11:30am

Mainly Music is our midweek group for babies, toddlers and preschoolers (and their parents and carers) and takes place on Thursday mornings at 10am. With space to play, and a mix of structured and unstructured activity, the morning starts with rhymes and songs that can be used at home to help with things like cleaning up, learning colours and counting.

Sessions last for about 90 minutes, including 30 minutes of music and singing, followed by snacks for adults and children, free play and crafts.

The aim is for the children to have fun and to bond with their adults, but also our goal is to care for parents and carers by providing a relaxed space for conversation, friendship, tea, coffee and fresh baking.

Session cost: £3 per family

To book for Mainly Music, please visit our Calendar page and choose your session to access the booking link.


At St Silas we believe that our children are valued members of our church family. Our children’s ministry is immensely important and we strive to make our Sunday mornings a safe, fun, adventure-filled place for kids to grow and learn about Jesus. We are thankful for our families, and are always keen to welcome new ones and get to know them.



‘Kidzone’ is our age-specific teaching groupfor kids under 12 during the Sunday Service. Children stay with everyone in the main church for the start of the service, and then head out to their respective clubs:

  • Seekers (3-5 year olds)
  • Explorers (P1-2)
  • Adventurers (P3-4)
  • Navigators (P5-7)

Here they have a snack, look at a bit of the Bible together, and enjoy time with their friends.

Dangerous Club


Dangerous club is our monthly Friday night gathering for kids in P4-P7. It is a great (messy) time of food, games and Bible stories.

Dangerous Camping


Every summer, dads and kids in P4-P7 head away for a camping weekend. This is a great opportunity for dads to have quality time with their kids and with other dads and carers, making memories and having some adventures, with Jesus at the heart of the weekend.


When children reach high-school age, they become part of our youth programme at St Silas. Our youth ministry on Sundays and midweek doesn’t assume or require our young people to have made up their minds yet, but it also aims to show them how to grow as young disciples of Jesus. Our goal is for a fun, supportive community where the Bible is faithfully taught and there is lots of opportunity for discussion with leaders and with their peers.



During Sunday services, our youth start the service with the grown-ups but then head out to look at the Bible with their peers in Youthzone (S1-4). Our young people in S5-S6 are encouraged to stay in the morning service, and afterwards our leaders offer a relaxed time to talk together—to catch up and also to feed back on what they picked up in church that morning, discussing any questions they have. We aim to encourage our teenagers to grow in faith and maturity, so that they can go out into the world fully equipped to serve young adults.

Friday Night Live

Friday evenings

Friday Night Live is our weekly hangout for teenagers on Friday evenings. It is run in a fun, and accessible way so that our young people feel comfortable in bringing their friends along. Here we play some good games, then have some good food, good laughs and a good time in the Bible looking at what Jesus said and did.

Other ministries

We're a diverse church — with members of the church family of all ages

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