About us


Martin Ayers
Martin joined St Silas to be our Rector in January 2016. He is originally from the north of England, and worked as a lawyer in London before training for church ministry. He is married to Cathy, and they have three daughters. In his spare time, he enjoys running, going out for a curry with friends, and following the fortunes of Middlesbrough Football Club.

Jonathan Middleton
Assistant Minister
A graduate of the Pastors’ Training Course at Cornhill Scotland, he is currently completing an MA in Theology at Union Theological College, Belfast. Before joining St Silas in March 2022, Jonathan was involved in a church plant in Glasgow’s Southside and has a background in architecture and design. Married to Alise, they have two young children.

Amy Wicks
Associate Pastor for Women & Pastoral Care
Amy moved to Glasgow from North London in August 2021. She started working life as a transport planner, before moving to Bible-teaching ministry full time. She has previously worked with teenagers and women at a central London church. Her main focus at St Silas is women’s discipleship and pastoral care. In her spare time she enjoys detective novels, the Tour de France, and visiting second hand bookshops.

Ruth Davison
Church Administrator
Ruth is married to Alan and they have three grown-up children and three grandchildren. She has many hobbies including art and design, cycling, walking, all kinds of music, drinking nice coffee in nice coffee shops and she is also an occasional biker. Her main aim in her role as administrator is to keep things in the church running smoothly. The church office is usually open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Robbie Laidlaw
Minister in Training
Originally from Perth, Robbie spent five years studying Computer Science at the University of Aberdeen. Having given his life to Christ at a youth camp when he was 16, he has since been heavily involved in various youth ministries, including at his home church Perth Baptist, and his church at university, Hebron Evangelical. He has a great passion for Jesus, and helping teenagers come to learn more about him.
He has been at St Silas since 2018, when he moved to Glasgow to work as Relay Worker with UCCF at Glasgow University Christian Union. Having finished his two-year stint as a Ministry Trainee, Robbie has now moved into the role of Youth Pastor-in-Training, which he does alongside studying for a Masters in Theology.
If you need to find him, he is likely to be in the cinema, or doing a jigsaw. He owns a lot of books that he hasn’t read.

Joanne Leung
Women's Worker in Training
Joanne knew her life wouldn’t be the same when her husband got accepted to the University of Glasgow’s medical school. She was born and raised in Hong Kong and moved to Glasgow in December 2021. Aside from ministry, she is a big fan of figure skating and ballet dancing. Although she is not sporty, she enjoys doing light workouts on Nintendo Switch. Joanne speaks Cantonese, English, Mandarin, and a little bit of Thai, so do chat with her if that’s one of your mother tongues!

Derek Maciver
Vestry Clerk
Derek has been coming to St Silas since the summer of 2018. He currently serves as the Vestry Clerk, which involves putting together the agenda, papers and minutes for the monthly Vestry meetings. He has lived in Glasgow for more than 30 years and works as a lawyer in the city centre. Derek loves recreational bike riding and having a curry with friends in his spare time.

Andrew Mackenzie
Ministry Trainee
Andrew grew up in Edinburgh before moving through to Glasgow to study Politics at university. There he met his wife, Emily. They got married in Summer 2021 and moved to Fairbanks, Alaska, for a year before returning to Glasgow and joining St Silas in December 2022.
He became a Christian at an SU camp when he was 12 and benefitted greatly from Ministry Trainees investing in him while he grew up. Andrew’s excited to get alongside and encourage the church family as well as growing in his knowledge and love God and his Word.
Away from church Andrew enjoys following domestic and international politics, playing overly complex board games and watching sport.

Michael Reader-Harris
Lay Reader
Michael has been a lay reader at St Silas for more than 20 years and is the pastoral lead at our traditional monthly 9am service, which is based on the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. He has been a member of the church vestry for 12 years, as well as currently serving on the preaching rota. Michael is a biblical languages enthusiast, a keen hill walker, and a great conversationalist. He has two grown-up children and is married to Susan, who regularly cooks and helps out on Scripture Union summer camps.

Maya Rockett Jackson
Church Administrator
Maya is our administrator that focuses on Midweek teaching and events. She has been part of St Silas Church since 2017, when she moved to Glasgow to get married to Andy. They have two small children and before joining the staff team, Maya spent her time as a stay–at–home Mum.
Maya used to be a gymnast but, since having children, spends more time running and cycling. She also enjoys board games, good food and a chance for a good chat.

Rachel Setliffe
Church Administrator
Rachel is American by birth but Scottish in her heart. She arrived in Glasgow in 2013 as part of a church-planting team. In 2021, Rachel started Restored Home — a ministry for women walking through unwanted divorce and spousal abandonment. She now splits her time between Restored Home and St Silas. Most importantly, Rachel is mum to her teen daughters, Ava and Jane. When not working, Rachel loves to watercolour paint, chip away at the stack of books on her nightstand and walk in beautiful places.
We're an evangelical church,
in the heart of Glasgow,
all about Jesus.
Our vision is to Reach, Grow, Send
‘the son of man came to seek and to save the lost…’ (Luke 19:10) to reach out to as many as possible with the glorious news of Jesus.
‘Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith that you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness…’ (Colossians 2:6,7) to grow up in Christ as a community, by His word, loving others well.
‘Go and make disciples of all nations…’ (Matthew 28:19) equipping people to serve Christ for a lifetime, and sending them out to bring God’s word to a needy world.
We believe that God speaks in the Bible through His Spirit about His Son, Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Bible is God’s perfect word. In the Bible, God tells us all about His plan for the world from creation through to the glorious new creation He has promised. That story is great news, and it’s all about Jesus, God’s promised rescuing king, who died for our sins and rose again to be enthroned in heaven as Lord of all.
We are a broken people, but by God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ, we have been forgiven and adopted into His family, as His children, and called by Him to declare and demonstrate His glory.
We are part of the worldwide Anglican denomination, and of the Anglican Convocation in Europe.
We are committed to the theology of the Jerusalem Statement 2008, the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, including the 39 Articles of Religion, an expression of the Christian faith that is committed to the one, triune God, the authority of the Bible as God’s word, the historic creeds of the church, the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and justification by faith alone.